woman reading with glasses
February is AMD & Low Vision Awareness Month  The National Federation of the Blind designates February as Low Vision Awareness Month to raise awareness about visual impairments and to provide support for those living with these conditions. It is estimated that around 10 million Americans are […]
In early September 2021, Luis Riollano, 31, noticed everything looked cloudy. He had long worn glasses to see distances and wondered if his prescription had changed. But soon, his vision worsened so much that he could barely see shapes and movements. When he visited an eye […]
by Steven Vale, M.D. Cosmetic tattooing, better described as micropigmentation, has been around since the late 1980s. It was first used to fill-in defects in the eyebrows caused by alopecia or injuries. Recently, cosmetic eyelid tattooing, also known as permanent eye-liner, has experienced an upsurge in […]
by Steven Vale, M.D. It’s long been known that Marijuana lowers intra-ocular pressure. The effect is short term (3-4 hours) but the THC in marijuana is the molecule known to reduce eye pressure. On average, THC reduces eye pressure by 25% or about as much as […]
Your eyes are your windows to the world, so it’s important to take good care of them. Things like seeing an eye doctor regularly, getting enough sleep, and giving your eyes regular breaks while you are using a computer can help keep your eyes in good […]
It’s an eye emergency any time you have a foreign object or chemicals in your eye, or when an injury or burn affects your eye or the area around your eyes. Remember, you should seek medical attention if you ever experience swelling, redness, or pain in […]
Do you have problems seeing at night? Millions of Americans do. You may just need glasses, especially if you’re nearsighted. On the other hand, it could mean that you have cataracts or other issues. If you’re afraid to drive or go out after dark because you can’t see, […]
Blurry vision is often one of the first warning signs of diabetes. You may also get blurred vision when you start insulin treatment. This is due to shifting fluids, but it generally resolves after a few weeks. If you spend a lot of time in front […]
If Your Eyes Are Dry: You might feel like you have sand in your eyes, or they might burn or itch. You might be sensitive to light, have blurry vision, or, in some cases, your eyes might water. And you may have a tough time wearing […]
Symptoms of AMD include the following: • Blurred or decreased central vision • Blind spots (scotomas), partial loss of vision • Distorted vision (metamorphopsia): Straight lines may appear wavy or bent. • Inability to see in dim light • Objects appearing suddenly smaller when viewed with […]
The world’s leading cause of blindness is cataracts. Cataracts occur when the lens of the eye becomes clouded. Responsible for letting light rays to pass onto the retina, the lens is a transparent structure mostly made up of water and protein fibers. When those fibers clump […]
 You might be wondering if there are any contact lens issues you should be aware of before you give up your glasses for contacts. Let’s find out together by exploring and answering different questions on this subject by separating fact from fiction. Are contacts better than […]
Diabetic retinopathy can be detected during a dilated eye exam by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. An exam by your primary doctor, during which your eyes are not dilated, is not an adequate substitute for a full exam done by an ophthalmologist. Eye exams for people with […]
“Pregnancy itself can cause changes in refraction,” says Dr. Kathleen B. Digre, MD, a neuro-ophthalmologist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. “These refractive changes are thought to be due in part to progesterone-mediated fluid shifts in the cornea — and these same fluid […]
22 million Americans suffer seasonal allergies. If you’re one of them and a contact lens wearer, you may as well refer to it as misery season. That’s because allergens have a special attraction to contacts – especially the soft variety, which most contact lens wearers use. […]
If people need glasses, there are usually warning signs that tell them it’s time for an eye exam. These warning signs should be acknowledged in order that vision does not deteriorate even further. The American Optometric Association recommends that children have their first eye exam by […]
For most people with occasional or mild dry eye symptoms, it’s enough to regularly use over-the-counter eyedrops (artificial tears). If your symptoms are persistent and more serious, you have other options. What you do depends on what’s causing your dry eyes. Some treatments focus on reversing […]
About Ocular Rosacea… Rosacea is a skin disease that causes redness, vasodilation and bumps on the face, called papules. In some cases, it can affect the eyes as well. When it does, it’s called ocular rosacea. About 13 million Americans have rosacea, mostly adults older than […]
Diabetes that isn’t under control can damage your eyes. These are types of eye damage that can occur with diabetes. Swelling of the Eye Lens Blurred vision is a common sign of diabetes that isn’t under control. When blood sugar levels are high for a long time, […]
Blurry vision is often one of the first warning signs of diabetes. You may also get blurred vision when you start insulin treatment. This is due to shifting fluids, but it generally resolves after a few weeks. If you spend a lot of time in front of […]
Eye Complications You may have heard that diabetes causes eye problems and may lead to blindness. People with diabetes do have a higher risk of blindness than people without diabetes. But most people who have diabetes have nothing more than minor eye disorders. With regular checkups, […]
Information for People with Diabetes 1. What Is Diabetic Eye Disease? Diabetic eye disease refers to a group of eye problems that people with diabetes may face as a complication of this disease. All can cause severe vision loss or even blindness. Diabetic eye disease may […]
For those afflicted with type 2 diabetes, diet can be one of the most important tools to staying healthy and avoiding serious medical problems. Diabetes carries with it a number of dangers including a heightened risk of heart disease. At the same time, it’s rapidly becoming […]
Cleaning your eyeglasses daily is the best way to keep them looking great and prevent lens scratches and other eyewear damage but there’s a right way — and plenty of wrong ways — when it comes to how to clean glasses. Steps For Cleaning Your Glasses […]
Chronic dry eye, or dry eye syndrome, is a condition that can be caused by one of several factors. Regardless of what causes it, this condition means not having enough tears of good enough quality to keep your eyes lubricated and moist. It goes beyond occasionally […]
As the name suggests, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is more common in older folks. But it’s not just age that raises your chances of getting the disease. Some things that are linked to AMD are out of your control, like the genes that your parents passed […]
Do you have problems seeing at night? Millions of Americans do. You may just need glasses, especially if you’re nearsighted. On the other hand, it could mean that you have cataracts or other issues. If you’re afraid to hit the road after dark because you can’t see, let […]
In young children, vision problems often aren’t obvious. Everyone has a vision of what children’s eye problems look like: Squinting, sitting too close to the television, rubbing their eyes. Though those can be symptoms of vision issues, sometimes there are no signs your child isn’t seeing well. […]
What the research says about bilberry for vision. By Julie Edgar The legend goes like this: British Royal Air Force pilots, after eating bilberry jam for tea, bombed the enemy during WWII with devastating accuracy, their night vision heightened by the powers of the inky blue […]
No one knows what causes this, which your doctor might call blepharospasm. When it happens, your eyelid, usually the upper one, blinks and you can’t make it stop. Sometimes it affects both eyes. The lid moves every few seconds for a minute or two. Doctors think […]
Reviewed by Michael Dansinger, MD on July 23, 2016 To keep your vision sharp, you’ll want to take great care of your health so you can avoid problems related to diabetes. Over time, high blood sugar can damage the tiny blood vessels in your eyes. That […]
Nearsightedness : Blurry vision that gets worse when you look at distant objects. Your doctor will call it myopia. You may have very good close vision. Farsightedness : Blurry vision when you look at close up objects. Near and far objects may both look fuzzy. The […]
Contact lenses enhance sports performance in many ways, such as providing a wider field of view than eyeglasses. More than half of American adults have vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism and need corrective lenses. Many athletes who fall into this category choose contact […]
Preventive eye care is the first line of defense against vision problems. Early detection of vision problems may offer more effective treatment options: • Have periodic eye exams (every 2-3 years for healthy patients under 50, yearly for patients over 50 or those with known health […]
Written by Zawn Villines Sugar is irresistible to most people. So irresistible, in fact, that sugar cravings might be rooted in evolution. Craving sugary foods, or so the theory goes, could help prevent starvation. In a modern world, however, where food is often plentiful, sugar consumption […]
You may have heard about recent research suggesting that certain nutrients can help delay or prevent eye problems and disease. You may also have heard a lot of claims for over-the-counter (OTC) vision supplements containing these nutrients — and claims for others that have not been […]
Steroids Are a Common Cause of Glaucoma Nasal steroids can cause glaucoma and lead to blindness. These medications should never have been approved for over-the-counter use. Even more so, the risk to children is greater, because the length of time that they may use these medicines […]
Are Migraines A Problem? Are They Affecting Your Enjoyment of Life? Many people who get migraines also have problems with their vision and may also experience, photophobia (light sensitivity), phonophobia (sound sensitivity), nausea, lethargy, dizziness or vertigo along with the headaches. These symptoms can be both concerning […]
How Long Can I Wear My Lenses? Replace your lenses as often as the doctor suggests, even if you don’t wear them every day. For instance, if you have the disposable kind that are good for one wearing, throw them out after you’ve worn them once, […]
Eye allergies — red, itchy, watery eyes that are bothered by the same irritants that cause sneezing and a runny nose among seasonal allergy sufferers — are very common. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology estimates that 50 million people in the United States have […]
Flaxseed oil and fish oil contain important dietary fatty acids that have multiple health benefits, including prevention or treatment of dry eyes. Other benefits include a lower risk of heart disease and a reduction of chronic inflammation that can lead to a variety of serious diseases, including […]
Reviewed by Richard Adler, MD Dry eye syndrome is a chronic and typically progressive condition. Depending on its cause and severity, it may not be completely curable. But in most cases, dry eyes can be managed successfully, usually resulting in noticeably greater eye comfort, fewer dry […]
Reviewed by Richard Adler, MD Dry eye syndrome is caused by a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. Consequences of dry eyes range from subtle but constant eye irritation to significant inflammation and even scarring of the front surface […]
By Troy Bedinghaus, OD Glaucoma refers to a group of diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve. Containing more than a million nerve fibers, the optic nerve connects the eye to the brain. This important nerve is responsible for carrying images to the brain. The […]
By Troy Bedinghaus, OD Many contact lens wearers with allergies seem to encounter discomfort during certain times of the year. This discomfort is due largely to allergens in the air that become adhered to contact lenses. The allergens seem to cause miserable symptoms such as itchy, […]
By Troy Bedinghaus, OD HERE ARE THE TOP TEN REASONS YOU MAY BE EXPERIENCING REDNESS IN ONE OR BOTH EYES: The term “red eye” is used to describe red, bloodshot eyes. If you’ve ever had bloodshot eyes, you may have wondered what you did to cause […]
The benefits of modern-day computing and the Internet have led to a group of eye and vision-related problems. Collectively, this group is called Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS. CVS is caused by spending an extended amount of time looking at computer screens and other digital devices. […]
Written by Brian Wu Eye pain can be attributed to a variety of causes. It is typically divided into conditions that affect the cornea, conditions that affect of other parts of the eye, and conditions involving other areas of the body that cause pain to be […]
It depends in part on your age and also on your eyes and family. If you’re younger than 40 and have no eye problems, your doctor might suggest you get routine tests every 2 years. Or he could tell you that you don’t need any tests. […]
It’s universally accepted that the benefits of exercise go well beyond fitness, from reducing the risk of disease to improving sleep and enhancing mood. Physical activity gives cognitive function a boost as well as fortifying memory and safeguarding thinking skills. But can it enhance your vision? […]
by: Lori Alton, staff writer in Natural Cancer Treatments, November 25, 2016 Selenium, An organic compound of selenium (Se), L-selenomethionine, has been shown in studies to literally halve your chances of dying from cancer, slashing the risk of cancer by an amazing 50 percent. L-selenomethionine is […]
This article will discuss what floaters are, what causes them and when you should seek medical advice. It’ll also cover some frequently asked questions and various treatments that can be used to remove floaters from your field of vision. Floaters occur when people see small shapes […]
AMD, or Age-Related Macular Degeneration, is the main reason that many Americans struggle with seeing “the fine print” later in life. AMD is a disease that affects the macula – an area in the back of the eye responsible for helping us see and read smaller […]
By Paige Fowler Do your eyes feel dry? Are they red, itchy, or watery? Is your vision blurry? You might blame your age, the weather, or your cat. But consider this: It could be what’s in your medicine cabinet. “Many different medications can cause eye problems,” […]
By Robert Preidt Eating a Mediterranean diet and consuming caffeine may lower your chances of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness, according to a new study. Previous research has shown that a Mediterranean diet — high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, […]
William Blake described the eyes as the “windows of the soul.” Practically speaking, our eyes are the windows through which we view the world around us. Either way, there’s no question that we place great value on our eyes and our vision. Surveys have shown that […]
When you say, “I have allergies,” people expect you to sneeze. But your nose isn’t the only part of your body that gets hit during an allergy attack. You can also have red, swollen, and itchy eyes. The usual suspects — pollen, dust mites, pet dander, […]
By Liz Segre; reviewed by Gary Heiting, OD During an eye test, eye doctors use eye charts to measure how well you see in the distance, compared with other human beings. The classic example of an eye chart is the Snellen eye chart, developed by Dutch […]
Dry Eyes or Dry Eye Syndrome is a very common eye condition that affects millions of Americans. It is estimated that dry eyes affect up to 11% of people aged 30 to 60 years of age and 15% of those 65 years of age or older […]
By Liz Segre; reviewed by Gary Heiting, OD During an eye test, eye doctors use eye charts to measure how well you see in the distance, compared with other human beings. The classic example of an eye chart is the Snellen eye chart, developed by Dutch eye […]
  Often passed down from family members, eye allergies occur for a myriad of reasons. When an allergic eye reaction takes place, it’s simply your eye’s way of letting you know that they’re sensing something they think to be harmful, even if it isn’t. Substances that […]
By Shereen Lehman, MS – Reviewed by a board-certified physician. Updated April 16, 2016 Question: I hate the taste of fish, and I’m kind of scared of mercury poisoning. Can I take omega-3 fatty acid supplements, so I don’t have to eat fish?” Answer: Omega-3 fatty acids […]
Vitamin D may help protect against diabetes, a major disease estimated to affect 8.3 percent of the United States population. A growing number of studies suggest that running low on vitamin D may raise your risk of diabetes. In addition, vitamin D deficiency may increase risk […]
Several studies suggest omega-3 fatty acids may help protect adult eyes from macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome. Essential fatty acids also may help proper drainage of intraocular fluid from the eye, decreasing the risk of high eye pressure and glaucoma. In a large European study […]
  Eye floaters are small moving spots that appear in your field of vision. They may be especially noticeable when you look at something bright, such as white paper or a blue sky. Eye floaters can be annoying, but they generally don’t interfere with your sight. Occasionally […]
Diabetes can harm your eyes. It can damage the small blood vessels in your retina, or the back of your eye. This condition is called diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes also increases your risk of glaucoma and other eye problems. You may not know your eyes are harmed […]
LONDON (Reuters) – The world is losing the battle against diabetes as the number of people estimated to be living with the disease soars to a new record of 382 million this year, medical experts said on Thursday. The vast majority have type 2 diabetes – […]
Allergy Symptoms By Daniel More, MD Updated April 14, 2016 Most everyone has an idea of what an allergy is. Allergies are so common, in fact, that it seems acceptable to discuss allergy symptoms at a cocktail party with perfect strangers. An allergy is an abnormal […]
This information was developed by the National Eye Institute to help patients and their families search for general information about dry eye. An eye care professional who has examined the patient’s eyes and is familiar with his or her medical history is the best person to […]
If you’ve been diagnosed with cataracts, there is no need to worry. In most cases, vision can be restored with modern one day surgery. Cataract formation is frequently a part of the eye’s aging process. Today, 1.5 million patients have cataract surgery each year. The procedure […]
BY KATHRYN DOYLE (Reuters Health) – The blue glow from televisions and other screens suppresses natural mechanisms that help us fall asleep at night, but blocking just the blue wavelength may restore normal nighttime sleepiness, according to a new study. Teen boys who used computers and […]
By Dr. J.A. Parker The answer is YES. If you have ever had an eye examination but never had your eyes dilated, you have not had a thorough eye exam. The eye exam is not complete until you get your eyes dilated. Why is it this […]
By Gary Heiting, OD Just as our physical strength decreases with age, our eyes also exhibit an age-related decline in performance — particularly as we reach our 60s and beyond. Some age-related eye changes, such as presbyopia, are perfectly normal and don’t signify any sort of […]
Written by Yvette Brazier Published: Thursday 24 March 2016 Eat foods rich in vitamin C, if you want to keep cataracts at bay. A study published in Ophthalmology suggests that diet and lifestyle, rather than genetics, may have the most significant impact on cataract development, and […]
Nutrient density refers to the level of nutrition per some specific volume of food. Nutrient-dense foods have lots of nutrients, generally with fewer calories. All those superfoods you’ve heard about are nutrient-dense. Energy-dense foods have more calories for the volume of food and fewer nutrients. You […]
An eye exam can do much more than determine your need for corrective eyewear. In fact, comprehensive eye exams that include dilation are important to help your doctor see the early symptoms of both vision-related and overall health problems. When your eyes are dilated, the doctor […]
Don’t take your eyes for granted. Protect your sight with these six tips:  1. Eat for Good Vision Protecting your eyes starts with the food on your plate. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help ward off age-related […]
Do your eyes often feel dry, have a stinging sensation, or feel scratchy? You may have dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca), a condition that can occur when the tear glands don’t produce the correct quantity or quality of tears. Dry eye syndrome is a chronic lack […]
Many popular drugs can cause side effects, such as blurred vision, light sensitivity or excessive tearing. Here are seven common culprits. Vision problems can be an unwanted side effect of many different medications. Most of these drugs will cause only temporary visual disturbances — such as […]
1. Diabetes High and low blood sugar swings can cause temporary vision changes. But diabetes can cause more serious eye problems when it’s not controlled. High blood sugar levels over long periods of time damage the tiny blood vessels that supply your eyes. This can lead […]
Understanding Eye Allergies Eye allergies causing red, puffy eyes? You’re not alone — millions of Americans deal with eye allergies, or allergic conjunctivitis. For long-term relief, you need to identify the triggers and treat the symptoms. Eye Allergy Symptoms Symptoms can include redness in the white of […]
By Gary Heiting, OD Many misconceptions exist about the right sun protection for your eyes. Keep these tips in mind: • Not all sunglasses block 100 percent of UV rays. If you’re unsure about the level of UV protection your sunglasses provide, take them to your […]
Always consult your doctor to confirm a diagnosis of Keratoconus. The earliest signs of keratoconus are usually blurred vision and  frequent changes in eye glass prescription, or  vision that cannot be corrected with glasses. Symptoms of keratoconus generally begin in late teenage years or early twenties, […]
Knowing the symptoms of diabetes, including the very first signs are critical to catching the disease early. With almost 19 million people currently diagnosed with diabetes, you would think this is a fairly straight forward issue. Incredibly, however, the National Institute of Health estimates that at […]
  By Sonia Ayanna Published April 15, 2013 When I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, I was stunned. I eat well and exercise almost daily; I felt betrayed by my genetics. I was afraid I would have to make drastic changes to my already healthy lifestyle. Once […]
This delicious alternative to Pumpkin Pie will nourish your eyes with plenty of beta carotene while satisfying your sweet tooth.  Recipe Serves 4 1 cup pumpkin puree from can (240g) 1/2 cup plain 0% or 2% fat Greek yogurt 1/2 cup maple syrup 1/4 cup freshly […]
Glaucoma is a complicated disease in which damage to the optic nerve results in vision loss. There are several forms of glaucoma; the two most common forms are primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and angle-closure glaucoma (ACG). Open-angle glaucoma is often called “the sneak thief of sight” […]
Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases causing optic nerve damage. The optic nerve carries images from the retina, which is the specialized light sensing tissue, to the brain so we can see. In glaucoma, eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers […]
If you have diabetes, regular visits to your eye doctor for regular exams are important to avoid eye problems. High blood sugar (glucose) increases the risk of eye problems from diabetes. In fact, diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults ages 20 to 74. If […]
Research suggests that antioxidants and other important nutrients may reduce your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Specific antioxidants can have additional benefits as well; for example, vitamin A protects against blindness, and vitamin C may play a role in preventing or alleviating glaucoma. Omega-3 essential […]
If all individuals with diabetic retinopathy were treated in a timely manner, the incidence of blindness from diabetes could be decreased by 90%. Many factors that are completely within your own control have a notable impact on reducing your risk of diabetic retinopathy, including regulating blood […]
Do You Have Problems With Dry Eyes? If so, you’re not alone—it’s one of the most common reasons for patient visits to eye care professionals. Recent years have seen significant progress in management of patients with dry eyes, according to the September special issue of Optometry […]
This article from HealthDay News shows us that younger people with diabetes do not monitor their vision as frequently as they should to prevent potential vision loss. A yearly eye exam is highly recommended. (HealthDay News) — Younger adults with diabetes are less likely to seek […]
What Is Vitamin A? By Gary Heiting, OD Vitamin A actually is a group of antioxidant compounds that play an important role in vision, bone growth and health of the immune system. Vitamin A also helps the surface of the eye, mucous membranes and skin be […]
This eye-catching salad makes a great addition to any outdoor lunch! Loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc — it will feed your eyes as well as your vision. Prepare it in a flash by using leftover chicken from your weekend barbeque. […]
By Gary Heiting, OD http://www.allaboutvision.com/eye-exam/contrast-sensitivity.htm Your contrast sensitivity test results can help your eye doctor determine if you have vision errors known as higher-order aberrations or some other problem that could be corrected with eye surgery. Custom or wavefront LASIK can reduce higher-order aberrations and improve […]
Dr. Vale recently performed amniotic membrane transplantation on two gentleman suffering persistent epithelial defects (PEDs) of the cornea, saving their eyes and their vision. This revolutionary treatment option is offered at both the Lehigh Valley and Scranton offices of InterMountain Eye Associates by Dr. Steven Vale […]
Swimming with contact lenses should be avoided whenever possible to help prevent bacterial contamination of your eye. Swimming with contacts can result in eye infections, irritation and potentially sight-threatening conditions such as a corneal ulcer. To avoid these dangers, many people, especially those with a very […]
“Red eye” is a general term used to describe red, irritated and bloodshot eyes. It also may refer to: Subconjunctival hemorrhage, or broken blood vessel on the sclera Blepharitis, or inflamed eyelids Stye, or a red bump on the eyelid Special-effect contact lenses to create a […]
  This week, Stephen Goldner, a board-certified internal medicine physician with Medical Associates of Hilton Head, discusses possible causes of blurred or fuzzy vision when standing up. Question. Sometimes when I stand up quickly — especially in the morning, I see spots, have fuzzy vision or […]